4. You will be then redirected to following page where you can update your account no, IFSC code, MICR code and bank address.(Click here to know your bank MICR Code). Then save your details.
1. 1st go to DHE Assam website then click on students login.
2. You will be re direct to this page. Enter your unique ID and DOB
3. Then you will be logged in into your dashboard or profile where you can check your name, colege, course and semester. Then you can see in the bottom enter account details option. Click on update
3. Then you will be logged in into your dashboard or profile where you can check your name, colege, course and semester. Then you can see in the bottom enter account details option. Click on update
4. You will be then redirected to following page where you can update your account no, IFSC code, MICR code and bank address.(Click here to know your bank MICR Code). Then save your details.
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